Tawsha Howe
Tawsha Howe and her husband, Devin Howe, are the owners of and primary instructors at Liberty Defense. Tawsha grew up on a Colorado farm and ranch where shooting was one of the required skills.
Tawsha is an NRA Certified Instructor and is certified to teach the following NRA courses:
- NRA Refuse To Be A Victim
- NRA Basic Pistol Shooting Course
- NRA Basic Personal Protection In The Home Course
- NRA Basics of Personal Protection Outside The Home
Tawsha has a student mindset and is always learning. She has attended Front Sight’s Defensive Handgun, Empty Hand Defense, and Edged Weapons Courses; Adapt Academy’s Defensive Pistol Course; and Crisis Reality Training’s Surviving an Active Lethal Threat Event, Situational Awareness, and Verbal S.W.A.T. (Strategies with Authority and Tact) Courses. Tawsha is a licensed Washington state armed security guard.
When Tawsha is not busy taking care of their children or teaching a Liberty Defense class, she works as an armed security guard.