NRA Basic Pistol Shooting Course – 03/15/2025 in Quincy, WA
The NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting course is a basic course introducing students to safe and responsible pistol ownership and shooting. Students will increase their knowledge and skill in gun safety, operation of revolvers and semi-automatic pistols, shooting marksmanship (accuracy and consistency), gun cleaning, and much more! The NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting is intended for all law-abiding individuals regardless of previous shooting experience or NRA-affiliation. This class is the traditional, instructor-led course where you will receive direct instruction from Liberty Defense NRA-certified instructors from beginning to end.
Some of the topics/activities in the course include:
- Gun Safety Rules
- Proper Operation of Revolvers & Semi-Automatic Pistols
- Ammunition Knowledge and Selection
- Pistol Selection and Storage
- The Fundamentals of Pistol Shooting
- Pistol Shooting Errors
- Clearing Pistol Stoppages
- Shooting Positions
- Pistol Inspection and Maintenance
- Marksmanship
- Shooting Range Safety
- Maintaining Your Skills
- Live Fire Training
- A Nationally Standardized Shooting Qualification
Students will receive the NRA Guide: Basics of Pistol Shooting handbook, take a Basics of Pistol Shooting Student Examination, and receive a course completion certificate bearing the signature of the NRA Secretary and the Liberty Defense NRA Certified Instructor.
- Be qualified to possess a firearm as defined by applicable federal, state or local law
- Be of good repute, come with a good attitude, and be ready to learn
- Register for this training class on the NRA Instructors website or call Liberty Defense
The class occurs over the following two days:
- Saturday, March 15, 2025 from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM at Quincy American Legion Gun Club, 14050 Road Q NW, Quincy, WA 98848
The class fees are listed below.
- Adult Class – $140 + tax
- Minor Class – $120 + tax
- Adult/Minor .22 pistol rental and up to 150 rounds of .22 ammunition – $65 + tax
Class registration is not secured until your deposit is received, meaning that another student may take your spot in the class if they register and pay before you.
Age Restrictions
- 21 and older – no course restrictions
- 18 to 20 – no course restrictions, see * below
- 12 to 17 – must be accompanied by legal guardian
* Be aware of state laws limiting the ability to transport/possess handguns
All Students
Liberty Defense will have eye protection, hearing protection, and gun cleaning supplies available for all students during the course but you are welcome to bring and use your own. Targets will be provided. All students are required to bring a billed hat (e.g., baseball cap). All students will need a pistol and ammunition.
Those Renting Pistols
Liberty Defense pistols and ammunition will be provided for those who choose to rent them.
Those Bringing Their Own Pistols
If students bring their own pistols, it is recommended that one of the pistols be a small caliber (such as a .22) so that they can focus on the fundamentals of pistol shooting and not be distracted by the recoil of a larger caliber. This will make passing the shooting qualification much easier. It is also requested that they bring the owner’s manual for the gun that they will clean during the maintenance portion of the course. Recommended pistol calibers include .22, .380, .38 special, 9 mm, .40, and .45. It is recommended that students bring 150 rounds of factory-sealed ammunition for the pistol qualification. Two students may share a pistol if they will be shooting from the same bench.
Please complete the adult or minor participant form, and if renting Liberty Defense firearms — the supplying firearm and/or ammunition form.
Lunch and Snacks
Lunch will be about a 1 hour break around 12:00 PM on Saturday. Food options are available in Quincy but you may be pressed for time to get there and back. Many students bring sack lunches. A water bottle and non-disruptive snacks are recommended.
Pregnant Women and Nursing Mothers
Pregnant women and nursing mothers are encouraged to discuss the effects of exposure to loud sounds, airborne lead particulate, chemicals, lubricants, and solvents with their physicians prior to the first lesson.
Student To-Do Checklist
- Register for this training class on the NRA Instructors website or call Liberty Defense
Prerequisite for Defensive Shooting
The NRA Basic Pistol Shooting Course teaches the foundational skills necessary for defensive pistol shooting, but it is not a tactical or defensive pistol shooting course. We recommend anyone desiring to pursue defensive pistol training to start with this class, the NRA Basic Pistol Shooting Course (or provide proof of shooting experience*); then take the NRA Basic Personal Protection In the Home and NRA Basics of Personal Protection Outside the Home courses, or the NRA CCW course; and finally follow with an advanced tactical pistol course. Your training will lead you to study ethics, tactics, and firearms laws, as well as shoot several thousand rounds as you develop the strength, neural pathways, and muscle memory needed for effective use of a defensive pistol.
* Proof of shooting experience can be one of the following: NRA Basic Pistol Course Certificate, NRA FIRST Steps Course Certificate, NRA pistol competitive shooting qualification card, military DD 214 with pistol qualification, or passing the Pre-Course Assessment.
Student To-Bring Checklist
- Completed forms
- Fee
- Lunch
- Personal equipment and manuals
- Billed hat